A glimpse of Universe3D Player, Album3D, Firm3D, Book3D, Paintings3D

Below you can see a video we’ve just released that presents our newest improved Universe3D Player and some other projects (the links will soon point to websites different than https://universe3d.com):

  • Album3D – is planned to be a cheap service aiming to provide 3D / VR apps based on your photos and our 3D / VR app templates (https://album3d.com) – for non-commercial use.
  • Firm3D – a service similar to Album3D, but businesses will have more options. Usually, a company will provide flat 2D images or 3D models of your products or even screenshots of your web pages (which can be done also by us). Some customization will be possible too e.g. branding. It will be possible to add links (e.g. buy links) to your websites, shop etc. (https://firms3d.com).
  • Book3D – a common name of apps presenting books in a completely new way – in 3D / VR. Initially, we will be releasing mainly old books for free. If you are interested in selling your books as Book3D, please contact us (https://book3d.org).
  • Paintings3D – usually free apps with paintings presented in 3D / VR (https://paintings3d.com).
  • SpaceGallery3D – apps with images of cosmos presented in 3D / VR (https://spacegallery3d.com).
  • VRMars3D – 360 tours of Mars e.g. related to the Mars Exploration Rover mission or the Mars Science Laboratory Mission (MSL –
    Mars Curiosity Rover mission). Soon there will be more information at https://vrmars3d.com.
  • MountainsVR – 360 tours of mountains e.g. the Alps, the Tatra Mountains, the Lake District etc. (https://mountainsvr.com).

If you have any suggestions how to improve the Universe3D Player or our projects, let us know.

Universe3D Player alpha version & a glimpse of Album3D, Firm3D, Book3D and Paintings3D